​is a vision that suggests that with proper supplementation, along with a good diet and physical exercise program, one might evade many of the health issues associated with aging.



Very simply stated; a vision that suggests that with proper supplementation, along with a good diet and physical exercise program, one might evade many of the health issues associated with aging. Current protocol is to wait until a health issue attacks our body. When this happens we expect the medical community and the pharmaceutical industry to keep the health issue from ruining what was our good health. And, they are most anxious to assist you once that happens. Have you ever heard of a pharmaceutical company recommend a product (other than vaccines) that might keep you from contracting illness?

They might suggest drugs to reduce cholesterol (once it is higher than considered healthy) is such a product. That ignores the fact that perhaps there might be a way to keep cholesterol from getting to high in the first place. They will recommend a drug to control your blood pressure. Again, there are much better ways to control blood pressure for many people rather than taking prescription drugs.

Med Free Health suggests that for many people it may be possible to avoid the pain and suffering that accompanies the “wait until I’m sick” protocol. This is not popular with the medical care and pharmaceutical communities. Their existence (say profitability) depends upon sick people.

Science today is discovering what is happening within our bodies that is contributing to aging and the onset of many devastating illnesses. Many of us are willing to contribute the onset of illness to our genes. While there are such instances, for the most part the onset of illness is most likely due to improper care of our bodies or when we are older, “the aging process”.


Perhaps you’re in your fifties and enjoying good health without meds. You may not have experienced any serious issues. You haven’t noticed any heart attack symptoms. There has been no indication of high blood pressure and, though you haven’t had it checked, you believe your cholesterol levels are most likely okay. Lately though. you might have noticed some people in your expanded circle of family, friends or acquaintances who are dealing with some heart issues that could result in a lethal progression. Most likely they are older, but you wonder what they might have done to avoid the use of drugs. And — You begin to wonder.

Not to worry You can live with poor health

The pharmaceutical companies are very profitable. They are so because there is a continued supply of sick people. Sick people need drugs after having heart attack symptoms. They need drugs to control their high blood pressure. They have been convinced that they need drugs to lower their cholesterol levels.

The pharmaceutical companies have no interest in keeping people healthy, nor do Doctors and hospitals. Healthy people don’t need their drugs. Unfortunately, that is also the case for the medical community. Businesses and individuals (with the help of health insurance) and the government expend large sums of money on sick people. And, one wonders if the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has any interest in keeping people from getting sick. They too only exist as a result of sick people. No wonder they expend so much energy campaigning in congress to gain control of the vitamin and supplement industry.

People are living longer than ever

Yes, people in the United States are living longer. They are supported by new medical procedures and prescription drugs. But what kind of life does one have? If you have devices inserted in your body and are subjected to a daily host of powerful, toxic drugs quality of life suffers. Fortunately a large number of people are experiencing a high quality of life in their golden years. Some might be blessed with good DNA. Others have most likely taken the time to learn about good health. For those who have lost their good health, the medical and pharmaceutical companies are life givers. But does it have to be that way? For some there may be no alternative. They may have birth defects or perhaps a family history of health problems in their genes. And we are most thankful for medical care for them.

However, most of us could keep our good health as we get older even if we are not blessed with good DNA. It might be necessary to take the action needed to ward off the need for drugs. We know that we should be exercising our body as we grow older. We also know we should give attention to nutrition facts about what and how much we should eat. And today, the science community is discovering that for many of us it is necessary to supplement our bodies to ward off diseases and the effects of aging.

But, to know it and then to do it …. Maybe we can be of some help

If you are looking for medical advice, this would be a good time to move on to another site. Here you will only find information about maintaining your well-being. Because far more people die from heart disease than from any other problem, that would be a good place to start. It seems important that one should know something about their circulatory system and its importance to the heart as well. We know you are not planning to get a Medical Degree so the information will be informative and hopefully interesting to you. Learn something about congestive heart failure, cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure. What are some of the heart attack symptoms? It is also important to learn what we can do to stay in good condition and maintain it as you age up. You won’t learn much about exercise here (you know what you should do or where you can get needed information). What you can hope to find here is information on what science knows about natural care. New nutrient sources have been identified in the last decade or two; we have been aware of some of them a very long time; and more are being discovered every day at research and university labs. The supplement industry is a fast growing segment of our economy. Find out why more people are turning to supplements for good health without meds. You most likely will not hear about these from your medical care provider. The pharmaceutical companies certainly do not want you to find out about them (although there are moves to create drugs from natural sources). Information you get here may prompt you to research other sources for additional information.


Finally we are in our prime and we really enjoy our stage in life.

But the years tend to accumulate and along comes middle age. Finally, we encounter the half-century mark. Now we begin to have some thoughts about aging. Our bodies just don't seem to provide the same amount of physical ability we used to have. And when we look in the mirror we begin to ask who is that looking back at me?

Perhaps you’re in your fifties and enjoying good health without meds. You may not have experienced any serious issues. You haven’t noticed any heart attack symptoms. There has been no indication of high blood pressure and, though you haven’t had it checked, you believe your cholesterol levels are most likely okay. Lately though. you might have noticed some people in your expanded circle of family, friends or acquaintances who are dealing with some heart issues that could result in a lethal progression. Most likely they are older, but you wonder what they might have done to avoid the use of drugs. And — You begin to wonder.

But, to know it and then to do it …

Maybe we can be of some help

This site does not, nor would it ever, provide medical advice. For anyone with a medical condition, or using prescribed drugs, consult with your health care provider before making any changes in your treatment procedure. Information on this site should never be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. This site only provides information for those who are interested in a med (drug) free life style. By definition, their health must be in a state where prescription drugs are not required. Any substitution for prescription drugs should only be made after consultation with one’s health care provider. Should anyone have any doubts as to their need for health care advice, one should seek it out without delay.